Small catamarans such as this Hobie Cat are lots of fun. They can handle more intense winds and both salt water and fresh water terrains, however they are not the ideal boat for smal lakes and areas with little wind. They're best used in teams of two and you often need a person to hike out on straps to keep the boar balanced as seen in the picture above.
FJs also work better in teams of two however can be managed by your self if you are comfortable with running two sails and a tiller at the same time. However, without a second person you do run the risk of capsizing the boat without the extra weight to level out the boat. I'd say FJs are a better selection of a starter boat if you're working in groups and do not have access to large bodies of water or the high wind you would want to operate a Hobie Cat.
Optis are the most simple of one man sail boats and generally for younger users. They will not get as much speed as other one man boats but are easy to manipulate as well as store, because of their small size.
Finally, lasers and sail fish are probably the best one man starter boats to get if you live near a lake with moderate wind and want to have some fun. Both structured almost identically with one sail and just a small pit for the sailor, they are easy to operate on your own and can pick up speed quick without the need for vigorous wind. They're am excellent choice for older sailers who want a one man starter boat.